teAch 2013

cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo by Ian Boyd: http://flickr.com/photos/itsaboyd/6040413343/

The 2nd Anatolia College teAch Symposium is an event that will offer teachers from Anatolia College and the wider district of Thessaloniki the opportunity to network, learn and reflect on what they are doing in the classroom and how they are using new methodologies and technologies to engage their students and enhance learning outcomes while supporting the multiple roles that students are taking on more and more i.e. the role of inquirer, group member and collaborator, knowledge constructor, etc.

This new generation of students called Gen Nexters has grown up with personal computers, cell phones and the Internet and expects its teachers to be capable of operating in the digital world and to provide learning experiences designed to meet their educational needs that simulate real-world professional situations. At the same time parents anticipate that schools are constantly being informed about the results of current educational research, are enforcing educational policies based upon future-focused thinking in the digital area, and are systematically promoting resilience and preparing their children for a world in which the only constant is rapid change.

The overriding theme of the 2nd teAch is: Changing roles in 21st century learning environments. Talks and presentations related to pedagogy and psychology will enrich this year’s symposium which is aimed not only towards the 21st century teacher but also the 21st century parent.

All participants who attend will be awarded a Certificate of Participation.

Click here for the symposium program (PDF)